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As a staunch conservative, Rep. Neil Riser is committed to representing the best interests of the people of Louisiana's 20th District. He believes that through a combination of conservative principles and practical policy initiatives, we can create and sustain a thriving community that benefits all residents. Neil's policy priorities reflect his dedication to getting results and ensuring a brighter future for District 20.


1. The Economy

Rep. Riser understands that a strong economy is the cornerstone of any successful community. His top priority is to promote economic growth and job creation in District 20. Neil is a firm believer in limited government intervention, lower taxes, and fewer regulations. By reducing the burden on businesses, he aims to foster an environment where entrepreneurship can thrive and businesses can expand. This will lead to more job opportunities, higher wages, and a higher quality of life for all District 20 residents.


2. Pro-Life

With a 100% pro-life lifetime voting record, Neil Riser is a staunch advocate for the sanctity of life. He firmly supports pro-life policies and works diligently to protect the rights of the unborn. He believes in promoting alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, and ensuring that every life is valued and protected.


3. Second Amendment

As a defender of the Second Amendment, Rep. Riser is dedicated to protecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners in District 20. He believes in preserving the right to bear arms for self-defense and the defense of one's family. Neil will oppose any legislation that infringes upon these rights and work to expand access to firearms for responsible citizens. Neil also co-authored legislation to create a 2nd Amendment sales tax holiday. All guns, ammo, and accessories are tax free on labor day weekend 2023.


4. Anti-Tax

Neil Riser is a fiscal conservative who is committed to opposing unnecessary taxes and government spending. He understands that high taxes can stifle economic growth and hurt working families. His goal is to keep taxes low, eliminate wasteful government spending, and ensure that taxpayers' hard-earned money stays in their pockets.


5. Improving Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a vital component of a thriving community. Rep. Riser is dedicated to improving the infrastructure in District 20, including roads, bridges, and public transportation. He has worked diligently to secure funding for essential projects that enhance transportation efficiency, promote economic development, and increase the overall safety and well-being of the community.


6. Supporting Families and Education

Neil Riser believes in the importance of strong families and a robust education system. He will support policies that strengthen families by reducing the tax burden on parents and promoting family values. Additionally, Neil will work to improve education in District 20 by advocating for increased funding, school choice, and higher standards to ensure that our children receive a quality education that prepares them for good-paying jobs for years to come.

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